Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Gone for a while

    Once in a great while the task of life interferes with other plans, and having just discovered that I have not posted anything for two months now I will make a few changes to the plans so that posts will resume. We will resume with the "Go West - ..." postings. Without adding photos I can tell all of you that the watermelon plant suddenly took off on its own, greened up and gave us three more watermelons, one which rotted in the bottom, one which actually completely ripened and is now in the process of being eaten, and a smaller melon which was given away for others to enjoy. In the meantime the broccoli and cauliflower plants seem to be doing well, just need some rain, which is supposed to arrive tonight. The last rain of consequence in this part of Texas fell on October 8th, a much needed rain of 4 1/4" at this location, which the ground soaked up in no time at all.

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