Sunday, February 24, 2013

Vegetable garden - early spring

     We make a trip to the vegetable garden.
      I put in a lot of new soil last fall, soil that was supposed to be good and full of compost, which it appears may not actually be the case. As a result, about 8 weeks ago, I shoveled in a lot of leaf material, which should be composting. Three weeks ago I mixed in a lot of compost containing cow manure, which should really do a number (2) on the soil (no pun intended).
      When I test the soil with my PH meter it is in good shape, with a PH of anywhere from 6.0 to 7.0 depending on where I sample. When I test for fertilizer, the soil is deficient and I do not like to use artificial (read chemical) fertilizers, but may have to resort to doing so.
      So although the soil is still lacking in fertilizer, the carrots I planted in the fall are doing fairly well as can be seen on the photo below. Some are large, some are medium, some are small and some are almost microscopic.
     I had a small harvest of fairly decent beets, which have now been pickled and we are waiting for them to be ready to enjoy but didn't shoot a picture of them.

     As stuff grows, this post too will be updated.

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