Tuesday, March 4, 2014

ROOTS - not the movie - 12

      Today, which was almost 7 years ago, is a day of relaxation without actually going anywhere or having a specific agenda. We had a leisurely breakfast, sat around the house and talked, we walked the neighborhood and we went to the grocery store for some needed items and to the bank to change traveler checks into Danish Kroner. While at the store we were in for a surprise, as we found some TEX MEX hot sauce, and there is a big but attached; this stuff was made right next door in Sweden and the price in US dollars at that time was about $4.50 per jar not including OMS and MOMS, which we call sales tax. The direct translation of OMS and MOMS would be a "transaction fee" and "more transaction fee" - isn't that what our current president proposed to raise revenue - whenever currency changed hands he wanted a piece of the action for the federal government, in addition to the taxes already being assessed.

     Denmark is a land of old and ancient windmills and some are decorative pieces only and my brother has one in his backyard. They seem simple enough to build out of wood. This particular model is of the windmill at EGESKOV MØLLE, which means Oak Forest Mill. Here is a link to the history of the mill and there is a button on the page where one can get the information in English.
and here is a link to a short youtube video, but the language is Danish
This particular mill was even depicted on the 10 Kroner note

     There are many other windmills in Denmark and I have added a few links below.

      Then we had a nice dinner, BBQ, but not Texas style. The meat was Crown Deer from Australia. Crown Deer are also referred to as the "Red Deer". It was very good. The dinner and company was enjoyed. At this dinner we met my sister in laws son and the son's wife, but I must admit I can't remember their names.

So the obvious question is this; why would one buy crown deer meat from Australia when the deer is in Denmark? I have not found the answer.

     Tomorrow we are off on another excursion so we have to get up early to rent a car.

More to follow in the next post.

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